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Simplify contract administration with OneTrack

Enhance your project’s contract administration for superior outcomes in time, cost and quality.

project manager

A contract management tool that actually knows your contract

OneTrack is an innovative solution for construction contract administration designed to help you make decisions, respond to contractors, and track the health of your contracts.

Managing key contract workflows such as EoTs, RFIs, Variations and more, OneTrack knows the specific terms of your contract and can help guide you through an efficient and effective way of managing them in accordance with the contract.

OneTrack has the Answers

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See how your construction project can succeed with OneTrack

Features that set OneTrack apart

OneTrack decision making support

Decision making Support

Let OneTrack guide you through contract related decisions

OneTrack’s advanced analysis capabilities enhance the precision of your contract-related decisions. By understanding your contract’s specific terms, OneTrack informs and supports important decisions, guiding you through the contract administration process.

onetrack automated correspondence

Automated Correspondence generator

We understand your contract - here's how to communicate effectively

OneTrack is designed to make communication with contractors smooth and efficient by generating suggested correspondence for you that is tailored to your specific contract needs. This ensures that your communications are not only effective but also consistent, saving you time and effort.

onetrack contract insight

Contract Insights

Stay compliant and informed with valuable insights

OneTrack’s Contract Insights feature extracts key information and provides valuable insights, enabling you to identify potential risks and ensure compliance with contract terms. Contract Insights equips you with the knowledge needed to navigate contracts effectively and confidently.

onetrack tailor to your needs

Tailoring OneTrack to Your Contract Needs

Work together, no matter what your contract needs are

Every project has different challenges and its own unique needs. That’s why we offer personalised solutions for your organisation. We collaborate closely with you to customise OneTrack based on your specific requirements. Together, we ensure that OneTrack is your ideal contract administration solution, helping you navigate contract complexities, uncover insights, manage risks, and maintain compliance.

OneTrack - Your Solution for efficient
Contract Administration

Accelerate Decision-Making

OneTrack streamlines the decision-making process by offering data-driven insights and recommendations.

Reduce Project Management Expenses

Users reduce expenses by minimizing project manager and lawyer time spent on contract decisions.

Organise Contract Decision Information

OneTrack organises important decision information throughout the life of a contract, making it easily accessible.

Mitigate Legal and Contractual Risks

OneTrack mitigates legal and contractual risks, reducing the likelihood of costly legal battles and disputes.

Deepen Contract Understanding

OneTrack ensures that contract terms are understood and followed, improving reliability of project outcomes.

Simplify Contract Process Management

Simplifies contract process management, offering a user-friendly platform for streamlined tracking and management.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, OneTrack understands the terms of your contract and how to apply them to real life situations.

OneTrack supports all standard form construction contracts as well as the vast majority of bespoke contracts.

Yes, you have full edit control over the final correspondence sent from OneTrack.

Once you have activated your OneTrack account, you can invite an unlimited number of users to your projects at no extra cost.

Yes, OneTrack is hosted on Microsoft Azure and all data communications are encrypted. OneTrack also uses secure industry standard HTTPS for all web communication (SSL), and user authorisation is handled by a dedicated security library (ID4).

Yes, ongoing support is included in the OneTrack service and our team will ensure that you can get the best out of OneTrack’s features.

Explore all the features and benefits of OneTrack

Transform your project’s contract administration for improved outcomes and reduced cost.

Request OneTrack Online Demo

Fill out the form to schedule an online OneTrack Demo with our designated product expert to answer all your questions.